Alrite... For so damn long i nvr taken much pichas of myself...
Here's some... I miss wearing aristrocat and Formal...
And I Tried the Hat(Aristrocat).. It still sucks.. Cuz iz so damn small for my Large Head...
Black coat
CapLeather Jacket
damn old jacket(raincoat) LOL
[After Party Formal...]
Stripe dark Reddish shirt..
Red NeckTie..
Black CoatWhite shirt
Black Coat[Formal...]
Black white tie
White Shirt
Black CoatBlack Tie...
~The Star of the Day~
I believe none of my friends from College know this side of me....
Well Here it is...
I Love Wearing Formal The Most...
But it's impossible for me to wear it when:-
Going to college
Go Leisure Mall
Go Pavillion(Later people think i'm The Pavillion Mall Cop]
Go Sg. Wang
Go Times Square
I wore this to prom...
Wore this For MUN Conference...
And At home for fun.. =D
Do You Want To Go Prom With Me?
This Phrase is for fun only
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
11:16 PM