Aiyo.. wanted come early today. But i had to go out eat with my mom.. near her office.. when start journey to UCSI.. 7.30 liao.. LOL.. So i juz fly lor.. Reach around 7.45 .. When went in class..
A lot people don't recognize me.. With my spike hair and Aviator..
So after tht.. juz sat at the back.. So boring le..My New Lui Lui get new friend.. She just came in today.. Went to NS.. Kesian lor.. She's from melaka.
I nothing to do.. CamBastard LO.. long time no do liao
Me and My Lui Lui
Errr.. She's gonna kill me if i post this up.. ><
Physics class.. Wait teacher till play PSP.. Joey Killed the boss.. He was play Monster Hunter 2
While Acting Cool.
What time is it? its boring math.. Three gay in front.. LOL.. JUZ JOKING..
The teacher very boring.. She teach us all the things, we already knew.. I do till sienz.. Alot question skip lo..Nothing to do.. Bored listening to her
After College.. Went to gramps house.. Drop my Car.. Get into Darren House.. and go to some Mamak at Alam Damai..
This is the food eaten by a girl.. OMGThe girl taking pic also of her food.
My food. Mee Rebus.. Looks nice.. And quite tasty.
After Mamak.. We went to Sri Petaling to Play Cyber For an Hour..
I remember wat howard said the last time we came.. Damn Physcho.. This CC pro..
Click it to Enlarge
After i take.. I ran away.. Scared they come whack me.. JIIIIIAAAAANNNNN!!!!!
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Another tiring college life..
6:23 PM