LOL.. My Nephew, tze xian i thinkMy niece's head
Me and Ming Yi
Foh San... Some place eat dim sum d..
But we went here eat.. nice wor...
Again take.. =P
LOL... my nephew pose like girl... OMG
Disturbing the sleeping guy...
This niece very quiet.... and keep reading comic for 3 days.. Tze xian small sis..
The sleeping guy...
Him again...
The cause of my Fatique
At least still have fun.. =D
Look at the back.. LOL got 4 people in this pic...LOL.. lay and sit on the sleeping guy...
Sleepy liao... ;D
lolz.. dun play phone la.. lonely le me.. =P
hahax.. play her hair..
Forgot who is this...Went to Ipoh Parade and saw this.. OMG!
Came back liao.. sit down do nothing... tze xian's leg, my leg, Ming yi's leg
Ermm.. tze xian sister birthday.. LOL
Monday, October 19, 2009
8:34 PM